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立心 明理 好学 笃行

凝心聚力 争创一流


研究领域: (1)儿童青少年抑郁焦虑的神经-生理-行为机制;(2)家庭教养与亲子互动;(3)青少年情绪调节与心理健康。课题组长期招收本科生和研究助理,可招2025级专硕、2026级学硕,欢迎有学术兴趣和志向的同学邮件联系!

Email: sihan.liu@ccnu.edu.cn

2025.1 – 至今,华中师范大学,副研究员

2021.9 – 2025.1,北京师范大学,临床与咨询心理学,博士
2023.9 – 2024.9,耶鲁大学,临床心理系,联合培养博士
2018.9 – 2020.6,华南师范大学,应用心理(心理咨询方向),硕士
2019.9 – 2020.1,台湾师范大学,教育心理与辅导学系,硕士交换生
2014.9 – 2018.6,暨南大学,商务英语,学士


(1)专业学会会员(Professional Association Memberships):
American Psychological Association (APA)
Society for Research on Adolescence (SRA)
Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD)
Association for Psychological Science (APS)
(2)期刊审稿人(Journal Ad-Hoc Reviewer):
European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
Cognitive Therapy and Research
BMC Public Health
BMC Psychology
Family Process
Family Relations
Infant and Child Development
Addictive Behaviors
Behaviour & Information Technology


1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:从意念到行动:自杀能力及其它影响因素对自杀想法和自杀尝试的预测作用(项目号:31771228)
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:童年期人际创伤经历对大学生创伤后心理反应的影响(项目号:32071085)
3. 国家社会科学基金重点项目:社会转型期中国家庭教养新理念对青少年心理健康的影响(项目号:23ASH014)
4. 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目:大学生创伤后应激障碍和抑郁的共病特征及其机制研究:基于情绪调节困难视角(项目号:21YJC190022)
5. 北京市社会科学基金重点项目:父母教养行为对青少年性别角色发展的影响及其机制(项目号:22JYA006)
6. 北京市社会科学基金重点项目:中国学龄前儿童家庭的情绪和正念干预研究(项目号:21DTR030)
7. 北京市海淀区教育科学“十四五”规划委托课题:海淀区中小学生睡眠现状调查与干预研究(项目号:HDGH20210007)

1. Liu, S., Xu, J., Wang, Y., Deng, W., Joormann, J., & Gadassi-Polack, R. (2024, August). Emotion complexity changes during a population-based stressor in adolescents. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association (APA) 2024 Annual Convention, Seattle, Washington.
2. Liu, S., Wang, L., Chen, S., Cao, H., Cunningham, T. J., & Joormann, J. (2024, May). Sleep bad, feel bad: Unpacking the role of exercising and socializing. Poster presented at the Association for Psychological Science (APS) 2024 Annual Convention, San Francisco, California.
3. Liu, M., Liu, S., Liu, A., Yu, X., & Wu, X. (2024, May). Profiles of childhood maltreatment and bullying victimization and their associations with posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms in Chinese college students: The mediating of self-compassion. Poster presented at the Association for Psychological Science (APS) 2024 Annual Convention, San Francisco, California.
4. Liu, S., Cao, H., Xu, J., Li, Z., An, Y., Li, Y., & Han, Z. R. (2024, April). Changes in emotion regulation strategies during the pandemic: Prospective pathways to adolescent depressive symptoms. Flash talk presented at the Society for Research on Adolescence (SRA) 2024 Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois.
5. Liu, S., Xu, J., Feng, A., Deng, W., Han, Z. R., Joormann, J., & Gadassi-Polack, R. (2024, April). Adolescents’ reactions to the acute and chronic stages of a population-level stressor: Linking emotional inertia to depressive symptoms. Poster presented at the Anxiety & Depression Association of America (ADAA) 2024 Annual Conference, Boston, Massachusetts.
6. 刘明宵, 刘思含, 刘艾祎, 余晓晴, 伍新春. (2023年, 10月). 童年期虐待和欺凌受害的模式及其与大学生创伤后应激障碍症状的关系: 自我同情的中介作用. 第二十五届全国心理学学术会议, 成都, 四川.
7. Liu, S., Ren, H., Li, Y., Fu, S., & Han, Z. R. (2023, March). Loneliness or fatigue? Gender difference in initial symptom of adolescent depression: A Cross-Lagged Panel Network analysis. Poster presented at the Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) 2023 Biennial Meeting, Salt Lake, Utah.
8. Yang, S., Wang, H., Xu, J., Liu, S., Weng, X., & Han, Z. R. (2023, March). Shared and differential emotional characteristics of depressive and anxiety symptoms among Chinese adolescents. Poster presented at the Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) 2023 Biennial Meeting, Salt Lake, Utah

截止到2025年2月,共发表36篇SSCI论文和4篇CSSCI论文,合计影响因子超过170,被引量超过550。其中,第一作者在Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, Psychological Medicine, Developmental Psychology, Computers in Human Behavior等国内外权威期刊发表16篇SSCI论文(JCR-1区14篇、JCR-2区2篇;7篇中科院TOP)和2篇CSSCI论文。

Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=W3Q_JCwAAAAJ

#表示共一  *表示通讯  [注: JCR2023-五年影响因子(IF)及SSCI相关分区排名; 中科院2023分区]

1. Liu, S., Ren, H., Li, Y., Liu, Y., Fu, S., & Han, Z. R.* (2025). Gender difference in the onset of adolescent depressive symptoms: A Cross-Lagged Panel Network analysis. Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology, 53, 113–123. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10802-024-01235-4 [IF = 3.0, Clinical Psychology 43/180, Q1; 中科院心理学2区]
2. Liu, S., Xu, J., Cao, H., An, Y., Li, Y., Li, Z., Gao, M. M.*, & Han, Z. R.* (2024). Changes in emotion regulation strategies during the pandemic: Prospective pathways to adolescent depressive symptoms. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 65(12), 1638–1647. http://doi.org/10.1111/jcpp.14027 [IF = 8.0, Developmental Psychology 4/91, Psychiatry 20/279 Q1; 中科院医学1区TOP]
3. Liu, S.*, Wang, L., Chen, M. S., Cao, H., Cunningham, T. J. & Joormann, J. (2024). Sleep bad, feel bad: Unpacking the role of exercise and socializing. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 183, 104652. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.brat.2024.104652 [IF = 4.7; Clinical Psychology 20/180, Q1; 中科院心理学2区TOP]
4. Dai, X.#, Liu, S.#, Li, X., Chen, K., Gao, S., Wang, J., Aarsland, D., Han, Z. R.*, & Zhang, Z.* (2024). Longitudinal association between depressive symptoms and cognitive function: The neurological mechanism of psychological and physical disturbances on memory. Psychological Medicine, 54, 3602–3611. http://doi.org/10.1017/S0033291724001612 [IF = 6.5, Clinical Psychology 6/180, Psychiatry 23/279 Q1; 中科院心理学1区, 医学2区TOP]
5. Liu, S., Han, Z. R.*, Xu, J., Wang, Q., Gao, M. M., Weng, X., Qin, S., & Rubin. K. H. (2024). Parenting links to parent–child interbrain synchrony: A real-time fNIRS hyperscanning study. Cerebral Cortex, 34(2),1–10. https://doi.org/10.1093/cercor/bhad533 [IF = 3.7, Neuroscience 144/310 Q2; 中科院医学2区]
6. Liu, S., Ahemaitijiang, N., Xu, J., Liu, Y., Chen, L., & Han, Z. R.* (2024). Patterns of childhood maltreatment influence sleep quality: The role of emotion regulation. Development and Psychopathology. 36(3), 1388–1398. http://doi.org/10.1017/S0954579423000597 [IF = 3.9, Developmental Psychology 22/91 Q1; 中科院心理学2区]
7. Liu, S.#, Fang, H.#, Zou, L., Li, Q., Wang, H.* & Han, Z. R.* (2024). Online mindfulness-based group intervention for young Chinese children: Effectiveness of the OKmind program in attention and emotion regulation. Mindfulness, 15, 3095–3106. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12671-024-02416-4 [IF = 4.3, Clinical Psychology 36/180 Q1; 中科院心理学2区]
8. Liu, S., Ying, J., Wang, X., Shi, J. & Wu, X.* (2024). Parent–child gender effect in the associations among problematic internet use, parent-adolescent conflict, and academic engagement. Family Relations, 73(3), 1536–1549. http://doi.org/10.1111/fare.12958 [IF = 2.2, Social Work 20/92 Q1; 中科院社会学3区]
9. Liu, S., Zhang, D., Wang, X., Ying, J., & Wu, X.* (2023). A network approach to understanding parenting: Linking coparenting, parenting styles, and parental involvement in rearing adolescents in different age groups. Developmental Psychology, 59(4), 786–800. http://doi.org/10.1037/dev0001470 [IF = 4.2, Developmental Psychology 22/91 Q1; 中科院心理学2区TOP]
10. Liu, S., Wang, X., Ying, J., Shi, J., & Wu, X.* (2023). Emotional involvement matters, too: Associations among parental involvement, time management, and academic engagement vary with youth’s developmental phase. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 93(4), 903–920. https://doi.org/10.1111/bjep.12605 [IF = 4.0, Educational Psychology 18/74 Q1; 中科院心理学2区]
11. Liu, S., Zhang, D., Tian, Y., Xu, B., & Wu, X.* (2023). Gender differences in symptom structure of adolescent problematic internet use: A network analysis. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health, 17(1), 49. http://doi.org/10.1186/s13034-023-00590-2 [IF = 4.4, Pediatrics 19/186 Q1; 中科院儿科2区]
12. 刘思含, 伍新春*, 王歆逸, 应洁峰. (2023). 父母教养压力对教养投入的影响: 配偶协同教养行为的调节作用. 心理科学, 46(4), 857–864. http://www.psysci.org/CN/10.16719/j.cnki.1671-6981.202304012
13. 刘思含, 伍新春*, 王歆逸. (2023). 父母教养方式的潜在类别及其与青少年学习投入和焦虑症状的关系. 心理发展与教育, 39(5), 673–682. http://www.devpsy.com.cn/CN/10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2023.05.08
14. Liu, S., Xu, B., Zhang, D., Tian, Y., & Wu, X.* (2022). Core symptoms and symptom relationships of problematic internet use across early, middle, and late adolescence: A network analysis. Computers in Human Behavior, 128, 107090. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2021.107090 [IF = 9.5, Experimental Psychology 3/99 Q1, Multidisciplinary Psychology 9/219 Q1; 中科院心理学1区TOP]
15. Liu, S., Zou, S., Zhang, D., Wang, X., & Wu, X.* (2022). Problematic Internet use and academic engagement during the COVID-19 lockdown: The indirect effects of depression, anxiety, and insomnia in early, middle, and late adolescence. Journal of Affective Disorders, 309, 9–18. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jad.2022.04.043 [IF = 5.4, Psychiatry 38/279 Q1, Clinical Neurology 35/280 Q1; 中科院医学2区TOP]
16. Liu, S., Wang, X., Zou, S., & Wu, X.* (2022). Adolescent problematic Internet use and parental involvement: The chain mediating effects of parenting stress and parental expectations across early, middle, and late adolescence. Family Process, 61(4), 1696–1714. https://doi.org/10.1111/famp.12757 [IF = 3.3, Family Studies 11/66 Q1; 中科院心理学3区]
17. Liu, S., Lin, M.*, Lee, Y., Wu, J. Y., Hu, W., & You, J.* (2022). Internet addiction and nonsuicidal self‐injury in adolescence: Associations with offline and online social support. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 78(5), 971–982. https://doi.org/10.1002/jclp.23264 [IF = 3.3, Clinical Psychology 62/180 Q2; 中科院心理学3区]
18. Liu, S., You, J.*, Ying, J., Li, X., & Shi, Q. (2020). Emotion reactivity, nonsuicidal self-injury, and regulatory emotional self-efficacy: A moderated mediation model of suicide ideation. Journal of Affective Disorders, 266, 82–89. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jad.2020.01.083 [IF = 5.4, Psychiatry 38/279 Q1, Clinical Neurology 35/280 Q1; 中科院医学2区TOP]

1. 第一作者论文入选2023年APA下载量最高的十篇论文之一 (Developmental Psychology, 2023) https://www.apa.org/monitor/2024/01/top-journal-articles
2. 2022、2023年博士研究生国家奖学金
3. 2022年北京师范大学学术创新奖(特等奖)
4. 2020年广东省优秀学生