电子邮件: weiliu1991@ccnu.edu.cn
2020年-2021年:奈梅亨大学(荷兰) 唐德斯脑科学中心(Donders Institute),博士后
2016年-2020年:奈梅亨大学(荷兰) 唐德斯脑科学中心(Donders Institute)(获医学科学博士,导师:Guillén Fernandez)
2021级本科生Z同学,2024年全国高校心理学专业本科生创新创业论坛 实验设计分论坛 全国一等奖(全国共4人)
2021级本科生Z同学,2024年全国高校心理学专业本科生创新创业论坛 现实问题解决分论坛 全国二等奖
1、受邀担任SCI杂志Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience客座编辑 (JCR Q1)
2、受邀担任十余种SCI/SSCI杂志审稿人(如:Biological Psychiatry,The Journal of Neuroscience,Cerebral Cortex, NeuroImage,Neuropsychologia,Psychonomic Bulletin & Review……)
1、国家自然科学基金 “人类网格细胞表征的新研究范式及其神经影像学验证”(获批年份:2024)
2、国家自然科学基金 “应激下记忆快速巩固的神经重放机制研究”(获批年份:2023)
3、教育部人文社科项目 “节奏促进儿童青少年古诗记忆的发展认知神经机制”(获批年份:2022)
4、湖北省自然科学基金项目 “短视频经验扰乱青少年连续记忆编码的教育神经科学研究”(获批年份:2022)
5、认知神经科学与学习国家重点实验室开放课题 “提取练习保护应激压力下记忆提取的发展认知神经科学研究”(获批年份:2021)
6、教育部重点实验室开放课题 “青少年数学焦虑的脑科学与干预研究”(获批年份:2022)
7、华中师范大学“高层次人才引进”科研启动项目 “网络短视频经验影响连续情景记忆编码的认知神经机制”(获批年份:2021)
1. “How event segmentation facilitates memory formation?” 中国心理学会普通心理和实验心理专业委员会2022学术年会 青年论坛,2022年11月,浙江金华
2. “情绪记忆作为情绪神经科学和心理健康研究的桥梁” 中国心理学会情绪与健康专业委员会2022学术年会 2022年11月,福建厦门
3. “情绪记忆的形成和控制”上海外国语大学脑与认知应用重点实验室 2021年
4. 博士及博士后期间应邀香港大学,大数据时代的医学研究研讨会,欧洲华人脑科学与心理学大会,唐德斯脑科学年会作特邀报告
[1] Jiashen Li (课题组成员), Zhengyue Cheng (课题组成员), WEI LIU (Corresponding Author) (2024). Post-encoding administration of oxytocin selectively enhances memory consolidation of male faces in females. bioRxiv. (https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.06.18.599465)
[2] Jiashen Li (课题组成员), Zhengyue Cheng (课题组成员), Xin Hao, WEI LIU (Corresponding Author) (2024). Boundaries in the eyes: measure event segmentation during naturalistic video watching using eye tracking. bioRxiv. (https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.08.22.609279)
[3] Hongxiao Li (课题组成员), Jiashen Li (课题组成员), Xin Hao, WEI LIU (Corresponding Author) (2024). Behavioral and Eye-Tracking Evidence for Disrupted Event Segmentation during Continuous Memory Encoding Due to Short Video Watching. bioRxiv. (https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.08.17.608429)
[4] WEI LIU (Corresponding Author), Guo, J.(课题组成员) & Hong, XL.(课题组成员) (2024). Using artworks to understand human memory and its neural mechanisms. New Ideas in Psychology.
[5] 刘威(通讯作者),陈瑞欣(课题组成员),郭金朋(课题组成员). (2024). 应激下人类情景记忆巩固的神经重放机制. 心理科学进展.
[6] Xinyi Zhang (课题组成员), Sirui, Wang (课题组成员), and WEI LIU (Corresponding Author). (2023). Exploring Resilience to Trauma Through Unsupervised Clustering Approach and Network Analysis. http://doi:10.31234/osf.io/emnk3.
[7] WEI LIU, Kohn, N, & Fernandez, G. (2022). Dynamic transitions between neural states are associated with flexible task-switching during a memory task. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience.
[8] WEI LIU, Yingjie Shi, James N Cousins, Kohn, N, & Fernandez, G. (2022). Hippocampal-Medial Prefrontal Event Segmentation and Integration Contribute to Episodic Memory Formation. Cerebral Cortex.
[9] WEI LIU, Kohn, N, & Fernandez, G. (2020). Probing the neural dynamics of mnemonic representations after the initial consolidation. NeuroImage.
[10] WEI LIU, Peeters, N., Fernandez, G., & Kohn, N. (2020). Common neural and transcriptional correlates of inhibitory control across emotion, memory, and response inhibition. Soc. Cogn. Affect. Neurosci.
[11] WEI LIU., Kohn, N., & Fernández, G. (2019). Intersubject similarity of personality is associated with intersubject similarity of brain connectivity patterns. NeuroImage, 186, 56-69.
[12] WEI LIU., Wei, D., Chen, Q., Yang, W., Meng, J., Wu, G., ... & Qiu, J. (2017). Longitudinal test-retest neuroimaging data from healthy young adults in southwest China. Scientific data, 4, 170017.
[13] Wei Cheng *, Edmund T Rolls *, Jiang Qiu *, WEI, LIU *, Yanqing Tang *, Chu-Chung Huang *, XinFa Wang *., ... & Jianfeng Feng. (2016). Medial reward and lateral non-reward orbitofrontal cortex circuits change in opposite directions in depression. Brain, 139(12), 3296-3309. (*These authors contributed equally to this work.)
[14] WEI, LIU., Mao, Y., Wei, D., Yang, J., Du, X., Xie, P., & Qiu, J. (2016). Structural Asymmetry of Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex Correlates with Depressive Symptoms: Evidence from Healthy Individuals and Patients with Major Depressive Disorder. Neuroscience Bulletin, 1-10.
[15] WEI, LIU., Liu, H., Wei, D., Sun, J., Yang, J., Meng, J., ... & Qiu, J. (2015). Abnormal degree centrality of functional hubs associated with negative coping in older Chinese adults who lost their only child. Biological psychology,112, 46-55.